New product
Enerex Bamboo Silica improves the condition of hair, nails, teeth, gums, skin, ligaments, tendons & bone. Silica truly is the 'strength & beauty nutrient'.
Enerex Bamboo Silica is a pure extract from bamboo shoots that is 70% organic silica by weight - over 10 times that of horsetail silica supplements. Not only does silica strengthen and beautify the body from the inside out, making it a key anti-aging mineral, it is also used to treat skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema as well as improving the cardiovascular system, reducing blood fats and cholesterol, and eliminating toxins such as aluminum.
The body constantly metabolizes silicic acid. Silica is eliminated through such natural processes as urination, hair loss and nail trimming. The average adult body contains about 20 grams of silica, and it is necessary for the body's silica stores to be maintained at this level to promote good health. As we age, less silica is assimilated, therefore daily supplementation with Enerex Bamboo Silica will help maintain this necessary equilibrium and to minimize the effects of premature aging.
To further enhance the effectiveness of Enerex Bamboo Silica, the formula includes 200 mg of calcium citrate. Calcium absorption is enhanced by the presence of silicon, and like silicon, calcium is involved in normal bone development.