New product
First Cleanse is the only cleanse on the market designed specifically for first time cleansers or 'sensitive' individuals. First Cleanse cleanses the entire body with a formula that is gentle, yet strong enough to be effective. It is a two-part 15 day herbal program designed to ease the body into cleansing.
It is designed to gently stimulate the cleansing and detoxification process of the body’s 7 channels of elimination: the liver, lungs, colon, kidneys, blood, skin, and lymphatic system.
First Cleanse is strong enough to be effective, yet gentle enough that it will not cause ‘cleansing reactions’ which may occur when performing a more advanced cleanse. Cleansing reactions include mild headaches, nausea, and flu like symptoms that occur if you detoxify too quickly.
First Cleanse has a very gentle action on the colon. It does not contain laxative herbs such as casgara sagrada or senna. It also does not contain magnesium hydroxide, which is used to hydrate the colon in more advanced cleanses.