New product
Enerex Osteo Cal:Mag offers highly-absorbable chelated calcium and magnesium, along with co-worker nutrients boron, silicon and vitamins D and K that are vital to bones, and our superfood raw organic kale to combat acidity in the body — perhaps the missing link to osteoporosis prevention. It’s good to the bone!
Scientists that have tried to find out how to get calcium into your bones have come to the realization that calcium can’t do the work on its own.
Calcium needs co-workers, called co-factors. Along with calcium, your body must have enough magnesium, vitamin D, vitamin K, and several trace minerals including silicon and boron. The mineral boron, for example, helps to prevent loss of calcium and magnesium (excreted in the urine), and silicon helps calcium to be absorbed by the body. Therefore, an effective osteoporosis prevention strategy must include these proven co-factors to maintain bone mineral density and mass.
Enerex Osteo Cal:Mag is scientifically designed to provide the most advanced form of calcium-magnesium in perfect balance and with the important booster nutrients so your body absorbs as much as possible.